our endeavour

Portfolio Management Services (PMS)

We offer Discretionary and Non-Discretionary Portfolio Management Services, with an endeavour to create wealth for investors on a consistent basis. We recommend clients travel with us through our investment philosophy for at least 3 years.

Investment Characteristics

Investment Horizon

Portfolio Management Style

  • Disciplined, bespoke with attachment to no single ideology like “growth investing” or “value investing”.
  • Predominantly Buy and Hold for a majority of stocks—until unless warranted to do so otherwise
  • Market capitalization agnostic, with the minimum market capitalization capped at Rs. 250 crore.
  • Benchmark: S&P BSE 500 Total Return Index (BSE500 TRI)
  • A stock’s investment credentials would be paramount for it to be included in the portfolio
  • Flexible portfolio management approach
  • Sensible Cash Deployment Strategy
  • Portfolio composition will be a combination of Strategic (Core, long-term) and Tactical Opportunities (short to medium-term).

Strategies & Performance


Flexicap-oriented with a skew towards mid and small-cap stocks

As of 31st January, 2025
Strategy Details 1 Yr 3 Yrs 5 Yrs 10 Yrs
Multicap Strategy Aggregate 4.75% 16.32% 23.03% 14.70%
S&P BSE 500 TRI 9.70% 14.16% 18.24% 12.99%
*Inception Date - 18th January, 2005

Emerging Opportunities

Predominantly small-cap stocks

Strategy Details 1 Yr 3 Yrs
Emerging Opportunities Strategy Aggregate 8.12% 30.85%
S&P BSE 500 TRI 9.70% 14.16%
*Inception Date - 13th November, 2020

Please note that the performance of Individual Client portfolio may vary from that of other Clients and that generated by the Investment Approach across all Investors because of a) the timing of inflows and outflows of funds; b) differences in the portfolio composition because of restrictions and other constraints

Fees Structure

Fixed ManagementFees

1.5%p.a. of AUM

Performance Fees


Other Expenses

On Actuals

Hurdle Rate



  • Reports related to holdings, transactions, corporate actions, and performance shall be sent to clients on a monthly, quarterly basis, or as stipulated by the regulations.
  • Yearly Audit Certificate of the Portfolio Accounts of Investors

Account Opening Details

For Resident Clients

For Resident Clients

  • Portfolio Management Agreement with us (the Portfolio Manager)
  • A demat account will be opened in the investor's name with the custodian
  • KYC documents, as applicable, will have to be shared by the investor for verification
  • Checklist
For Resident Clients

For Non-Resident Clients

  • Portfolio Management Agreement with us (the Portfolio Manager)
  • The demat account and bank account will be opened in the investor's name with the custodian & custodian's bank
  • KYC documents, as applicable, will have to be shared by the investor for verification.
  • Checklist


A portfolio manager is a body corporate, which, pursuant to a contract with a client, advises or directs or undertakes on behalf of the client (whether as a discretionary portfolio manager or otherwise) the management or administration of a portfolio of securities or goods or funds of the client.

In discretionary portfolio management service, the portfolio manager individually and independently manages the funds and securities of each client in accordance with the needs of the client.

Under the non-discretionary portfolio management service, the portfolio manager manages the funds in accordance with the directions of the client.

SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020 provide that the portfolio manager shall charge a fee as per the agreement with the client for rendering portfolio management services. The fee so charged may be a fixed amount or a performance-based fee or a combination of both. However, no upfront fees shall be charged by the portfolio manager directly or indirectly to the clients.

The agreement between the portfolio manager and the client shall, inter-alia, also include the quantum and the manner of fees payable by the client for each activity for which service is rendered by the portfolio manager directly or indirectly.

The portfolio manager is required to accept minimum INR 50 Lacs or securities having a minimum worth of INR 50 Lacs from the client.

The client may withdraw partial amounts from his portfolio, in accordance with the terms of the agreement between the client and the Portfolio Manager. However, the value of investment in the portfolio after such withdrawal shall not be less than the applicable minimum investment amount.

The performance of a discretionary portfolio manager is calculated using time weighted rate of return (TWRR) method for the

The portfolio manager shall furnish periodically a report to the client, as per the agreement, but not exceeding a period of three months and such report shall contain the following details, namely: -

  • the composition and the value of the portfolio, description of securities and goods, number of securities, value of each security held in the portfolio, units of goods, value of goods, cash balance and aggregate value of the portfolio as on the date of report;
  • transactions undertaken during the period of report including date of transaction and details of purchases and sales;
  • beneficial interest received during that period in the form of interest, dividend, bonus shares, rights shares, etc;
  • expenses incurred in managing the portfolio of the client;
  • details of risk foreseen by the portfolio manager and the risk relating to the securities recommended by the portfolio manager for investment or disinvestment;
  • default in payment of coupons or any other default in payments in the underlying debt security and downgrading to default rating by the rating agencies, if any;
  • details of commission paid to distributor(s) for the particular client.

The portfolio manager provides to the client the Disclosure Document prior to entering into an agreement with the client.

The Disclosure Document contains the quantum and manner of payment of fees payable by the client for each activity, portfolio risks, complete disclosures in respect of transactions with related parties, the performance of the portfolio manager and the audited financial statements of the portfolio manager for the immediately preceding three years.

No. SEBI does not approve any of the services offered by the Portfolio Manager. An investor has to invest in the services based on the terms and conditions laid out in the disclosure document and the agreement between the portfolio manager and the investor.

No. SEBI also does not certify the accuracy or adequacy of the contents of the Disclosure Document.

Portfolio managers cannot impose a lock-in on the investment of their clients. However, a portfolio manager can charge applicable exit fees from the client for early exit, as laid down in the agreement subject to provision of SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF1/CIR/P/2020/26.

Investors would find the name, address and telephone number of the investor relation officer of the portfolio manager (who attends to the investor queries and complaints) in the Disclosure Document. The grievance redressal and dispute mechanism is also mentioned in the Disclosure Document. In case of non redressal of the complaint by the Portfolio Manager, investors can approach SEBI for redressal of their complaints. Investors may lodge their complaints through SCORES (SEBI Complaints Redress System - ) or by sending their complaints on the address given below.

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